More about Bob

There are precious people in the author’s life who aren’t mentioned in Such is Life? Likewise, with incredible adventures and avocations over much of Mother Earth. It was a struggle for Bob not to write about cherished forever-moments with family and friends at outings and home gatherings and wherever else. Additionally, with phenomenal experiences such as transpacific sailing or open-water wreck diving or snowmobile trekking along the Cascade Crest Trail.

But Such is Life? is a memoir rather than an autobiography. As such, it is a themed narrative rather than chronicled account, and it focuses on events that contributed to Bob’s conviction there can be – hopefully, shall be – contentment in the wake of life’s obstacles or hardships. The narrative includes thoughtful and amusing digressions; however, the book isn’t a record of Bob’s life and the extraordinary folks and moments in it.

Themes and digressions. Bob intertwines these in Such is Life?, and he hopes there are nuggets in each that bring smiles to readers in some cases, perhaps a tear or deep sigh in others, and maybe an occasional “right-on!”. Finally, if Such is Life? causes one reader to overcome some life-hurdle or leads another to appreciate nature’s awesomeness, this narrative will be a success … at least, for the author.

In his personal life, Bobby enjoyed a 60-year partnership with Roberta, his first love, whose battle with dementia became a profound chapter in his life’s story. Today, he shares life’s winter season with his second partner, Gail, surrounded by family and friends who embrace his whimsy and keep him grounded.

Although not of Native American heritage, Bobby has drawn inspiration from indigenous customs, particularly the principle of “survivance,” which emphasizes resilience, storytelling, and the continuity of life. These themes echo throughout his memoir, Such is Life?, offering readers a guide to reframing life’s challenges into opportunities for growth and fulfillment.

In Bobby’s Words:
“Life happens. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth living. When we embrace resilience and choose to move forward, we find the strength to grow and enrich our lives.”

Key Quotes from the Book

Inspiration from Such is Life?
  • “It’s okay, we can get past this.”
  • “Life’s setbacks may knock us down, but they never define us. What comes next does.”
  • “Nature teaches us how to endure. Like the trees that grow stronger after a storm, we too can flourish after life’s challenges.”
  • “Grief is a teacher, not an ending.”

Order the Book

Get Your Copy of Such is Life?

Are you ready to discover the power of resilience and embrace life’s next chapter? Order Such is Life?: Framing a Positive ‘Next’ Mindset in the Wake of Life’s Setbacks today and join Bobby Steffens on an unforgettable journey of hope, healing, and growth.

Available in:

  • Paperback
  • eBook
  • Audiobook (coming soon)

Meet the editor

There are precious people in the author’s life who aren’t mentioned in Such is Life? Likewise, with incredible adventures and avocations over much of Mother Earth. It was a struggle for Bob not to write about cherished forever-moments with family and friends at outings and home gatherings and wherever else. Additionally, with phenomenal experiences such as transpacific sailing or open-water wreck diving or snowmobile trekking along the Cascade Crest Trail.

But Such is Life? is a memoir rather than an autobiography. As such, it is a themed narrative rather than chronicled account, and it focuses on events that contributed to Bob’s conviction there can be – hopefully, shall be – contentment in the wake of life’s obstacles or hardships. The narrative includes thoughtful and amusing digressions; however, the book isn’t a record of Bob’s life and the extraordinary folks and moments in it.

Themes and digressions. Bob intertwines these in Such is Life?, and he hopes there are nuggets in each that bring smiles to readers in some cases, perhaps a tear or deep sigh in others, and maybe an occasional “right-on!”. Finally, if Such is Life? causes one reader to overcome some life-hurdle or leads another to appreciate nature’s awesomeness, this narrative will be a success … at least, for the author.